Gene Keys is a unique path to self-inquiry and self-healing that came out of Human Design and became big and wide as a system on its own. It goes deeper into the hexagrams from the ancient Book of Changes I-Ching exploring their mysteries in depth. BUT. It's not only about I-Ching. It is about your specific DNA.
A teaching way ahead of its time, it was introduced to the world by a wonderful man called Richard Rudd in 2005. What Gene Keys reveal about your DNA?
What is your higher purpose in life?
What is your life's work?
What limitations don't let your gifts reveal themselves?
What is the main trauma of your life, and how to heal it?
What is the main challenge in your relationships and how to overcome them?
What do you radiate, how people see you,
what holds you back from being your True Self?
How did your
emotional and
spiritual patterns develop in your life and how to transcend their limitations in order to bring out your true potential?
How to bring prosperity into your life?
What will finally open your heart in the best possible way?
Your personalized Gene Key Reading answers these and many other questions.Step 1 The beginning of the journey is to do a Gene Key Line Reading. What are the Lines in the Gene Keys.
Since Gene Keys are heavily based on the I-Ching and its hexagrams, each Gene Key has 6 Lines (6 interpretations) in which they play out in your life. They allow the essence of your life story to emerge through a unique tale in a very practical way. If you are like me and enjoy practicality along with spirituality, let me guide and support you along this path.
This Gene Key Line Reading is the starting point in your whole Gene Key journey that I've mapped out for you, and it came to me through an insight when I was a bit like Archimedes though fully clothed but still running around and screaming "Eurika! Eurika!"
This Reading is delivered through a pdf with about 30 pages with information based on your Chart and an online face-to-face meeting for 1 hour.
CLICK HERE for this Reading.
P.S. Let me know if you want to go further than Step 1.