
My Human Design experiment started in 20011, although, a lot of Human Design components came into my life in childhood. I was playing with the I-Ching predictions as a child, and I’ve devoured tons of books on astrology in my teen years. Many years after I was an international journalist when a musician came in for an interview but instead of the interview, he exclaimed “You don’t know about Human Design?!” That exclamation changed the whole course of the interview and life for me.

I didn’t know about Human Design, but I got hooked. Obviously, at that time I didn’t know it would become my life’s work. In fact, I wasn’t looking for any life’s work because I thought I’d already found it. I had two favorite jobs that gave me an opportunity to travel all over the world and work from anywhere. By that time I got my two MAs – one in Philology and Teaching English as a Second Language, and another one in Journalism and Mass Communications. Along with writing articles in English and in Russian for online and print editions I was teaching English on Skype.

I loved the teaching, I loved the writing, I loved meeting new people. Life was fun and multi-faceted. But I had questions. I’ve always had them. And since meditation was a conscious part of my life since 2003 (and unconscious for god knows how long), I’ve been searching for answers about meaning of life and such.

Then one fine day I ended up in India. How I got there is a separate story of its own. By that time I came across a Human Design book written by Chetan Parkyn and read it through and through (I’ve read all but the introduction to the book). I was in Pune, in the Osho International Meditation Resort, when I was going through the book for the hundredth time when my beloved pointed out that this book is actually dedicated to Osho. That’s when I finally, after 2 years, read the introduction to the book and found out that Chetan Parkyn actually lived with Osho for 11 years, and learned Human Design from Ra Uru Hu himself. So I wrote Chetan a letter.

That email changed my life forever. As a result, I’ve translated two of Chetan’s books on Human Design into Russian for a big publishing house persuading them that these were THE books (they agreed and never regretted it!), and somewhere in between Chetan offered to teach me in order to become a Human Design professional reader. I couldn’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity… By that time I got trained to be a Gene Key Reader… Somehow Chetan knew from the start that this is what I would be doing before I knew it.

These are some of the things that happened to me since I started living my Design.

*I wrote my first book on meditation, Human Design and how it is all connected. And I got my first contract with the biggest publishing company in Russia. The book is coming out this fall. I’ll keep you updated on this. My book on Human Design is being released as we speak (2021).

*I lived between Russia and India for 6 years.

*I changed my line of work completely. I used to be an international journalist and a teacher/coach of English as a second language. Now I am a Human Design and Gene Keys specialist, reader, meditation teacher/facilitator, writer.

*I’ve been writing medicine fairy tales. Two books are already published (Osho's Tales), and the third one is in the works. All the links and updates on the main page.

*I don’t like to write about my personal life. I am in love. I am loved. That’s all that matters :-).

Many more things to come.

I believe that…

…everyone has a gift. And everyone is special.

… no matter what happens to me, there is my choice in that. And I choose not to be a victim.

… it’s ok to slide, it’s ok to be weak sometimes. I give myself permission and forgiveness. You should too…

…every day is a good day. Every day is a good day to start living your true nature .

…unconditional love which encapsulates compassion, forgiveness, service and many other things is the only thing we came onto this planet to master. There is nothing else.

…it is time to wake up. There’s never been a better time than now.

Love & Peace,
Amara-Marina Marshenkulova.

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